Thursday, December 17, 2009

A King’s Conscience and A Leadership Failure

What rules your decision making? What drives you to the choices you make? These are critical questions for every person and especially critical for leaders. How you answer these questions will likely indicate what the character and outcome of your life and leadership will be.

The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church says of King Henry VIII, “Henry’s conscience often followed where his wishes led.”

Now conscience is an important element of our make up because it, in many ways, is the thing that guides our decisions. We talk about following and violating our conscience as if to do the former is admirable and to do the later is deplorable. However, that depends on what is driving your conscience.

Henry’s conscience was driven by his wishes, and his wishes seemed to be focused on power and pleasure. The result was disastrous. Many heads were lost because Henry allowed his conscience to be ruled by his wishes, including that of Sir Thomas More who was a beloved friend of Henry.

A good leader follows his conscience and insures that his conscience is lead by good desires. A good Christian leader follows his conscience and insures that his conscience is lead by a desire for God, His glory and the good of God’s people.

So, are you lead by a godly and sanctified conscience where your desires are for God and not the flesh? To be so lead is a vital key to effective leadership. To be lead in contrary ways is the the key to disappointment and failure for you and those you lead.

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