Tuesday, December 1, 2009

“Crazy Love” and My Sorrowful Reaction

Crazy Love I just finished reading Francis Chan’s book entitled “Crazy Love”. Many people talk about this book and their love for it. Chan states in the last chapter that he hopes his readers walk away “encouraged”. I can’t say that I did, at least not like others.

Chan talks about how the Christian life is to be radical. His overpowering message is that as a Christian I should be radically in love with God such that I would do anything that He calls me to do. Now, I agree and have no problem with that concept. Where it gets tough is in the application.

I found myself angry at times reading this book. Is it right to put such a high standard of devotion on Christianity such that the assurance of many fails? Is true love for God really a love that is not only willing to sacrifice anything for Christ but actually does? It was impossible for me to escape it. After all he was simply repeating the preaching of Christ. The answer to both questions is yes.

My response, as I finished reading, was an overwhelming sorrow. I kept asking myself, “What will it cost me and my family to follow Christ? Am I willing to pay that price? Am I making excuses by waiting for God to call me or should I simply move out in faith?”

Such is the nature of a book like this. It creates questions, which only God can answer. Chan is right to acknowledge that God called no two people to express there love for Him in the exact same way save that they love and obey Him. So, I will seek to love and obey Him for I want nothing more than to serve Him with all my life.

What about you?


Doug said...

I understand what you mean, Mark. I felt challenged by the book but didn't know what to do with the inward desire to take a risk and glorify God. I realized that the radical life I desired was right in front of me each day being faithful as a husband, father, pastor and neighbor.

Have you ever heard or seen Chan speak? He is an emotional motivator and we need men like him that take us out of our comfort zones. But he is not necessarily a deep gospel expositor that gives you the foundational hope and desire to live differently because of who you are in Jesus.

All in all, I liked the book because it stirred me up. Did you read it with any other guys?

Glad you're blogging!

Mark J Peterson said...


Thank you for your note.

Yes, I studied this book with Steven G. and Tom D. It was a very challenging study.

I have never heard Chan speak, but I appreciate your insight, and I agree with you. We need to be rocked some times, but we also need to rest in our good shepherd.

Peter P said...

What will it cost me and my family to follow Christ?

I tough question indeed! - and one that makes me very sorrowful too.

Mark J Peterson said...

Peter, I think it makes me sorrowful because I know my heart rebels against paying that price and that my family must pay it with me. It is a fearful and wonderful thing to be a child of God.