Thursday, February 14, 2008

Principles of Leadership - Leading Up

Here are some keys to leading your leaders taken from John C. Maxwell's book "The 360 Degree Leader"
  1. Lead yourself exceptionally well.
  2. Lighten your leader's load.
  3. Be willing to do what others won't
  4. Do more than manage - lead!
  5. Invest in relational chemistry.
  6. Be prepared every time you take your leader's time.
  7. Know when to push and when to back off.
  8. Become a go-to player.
  9. Be better tomorrow than you are today.
I think these are exceptional principles. I have been challenged by each of them as I've read through the chapters that discussed them. Probably my favorite is number 8. It's hard to be allow yourself to become a go-to player because you risk being run over with work, but if your are practicing the other principles I think your leaders will become better leaders and those around you will become better leaders and the work load won't get out of hand.

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